Saturday, 3 May 2008

What kind of day has it been?

That the Tories can win in the way that they have today speaks volumes - the truth is that the British public aren't mad for the Blue idiots, but that they are fed up with the Labour party.

But who can blame them? In the last 2/3 years Labour have taken us to wars to which we do not belong, they have made us payer higher as a tax payer, and the have cocked up thier amazing progress with the NHS.

But please - no matter what the mistakes, no matter what the problems, no matter the level of leadership, how can the people of London, our capital city, elect an idiot like Boris?

Mayor Livingtone is an amazing man, a man who has true and just left wing ideals. A man who I, and others, can really identify with. But becuase of Sly News and other right wing or centre media, the candiadates were forced to head to their flanks or to the parties' centre.

The truth is simple. The election results are nothing to do with the Tory policies (In fact, me lending the plural to me thoughts here is a little optimisistic!), nothing to do with their idiot leader, and nothing to do with what they stand for. THE RESULTS ARE A REFLECTION OF WORSENING ECONOMIC CONDITIONS.

So why elect a Mayor who is racist, sexist, and homophobic. Surley the good people of London deserve better. He is a buffoon, a plonker. Simple.

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